I have just spent the past hour updating and changing my blog dramatically- hope you enjoy!
This blog used to be mine when I was in college but now that I am a married woman, I figured I would update it and make it more about us.
My last post was from September 2012. Oops. Time has definitely been flying by and I am completely behind on so much. I can attempt to sum it up..
September 2012- My parents birthdays.
October- Matt was hired as youth pastor interim at HTBC! Little did we know that God was preparing us for me to slip into unemployment. More on that later.
We went to Disney for our Honeymoon/anniversary trip! We also started Paleo after we got back.
November- Thanksgiving with the Arnold's!
December- Christmas, my favorite holiday! We spent the morning alone and the evening with his side of the family.
January 2013- This is the month that all hell broke loose and I had to quit my job..
I was manipulated and deceived and that's about all I can say.
February- Matt and I's first cruise on the MAGIC as well as our second Valentines Day as a married couple- and our Rock-Lock N' Roll lock in with our youth group- and Monster Truck Jam World Tour!
It also happened to be the month that our sweet twins came. February 25, 2013 @2:30am our sweet Nicholas and Joseph were born. The following Thursday we gained "custody"[guardianship] of them until their momma gets off parole.
Matt and I moved in to his parents house to help care for these sweet boys for a month. It has been full time non-stop mommy up in here. The 3am feedings, the blow out dirty diapers, the spitting up an entire bottle... YES people- full time mommy right here.
Their momma (My MIL's niece) got into some trouble but is so close to getting off parole. We are so proud of how hard she has worked and cannot wait until they permanently reunite.
That being said... giving them back is going to be so difficult... but we will cross that bridge when we get to it!
Their momma will be taking our place in the nursery and we will move back home while they live here for the next year or two.
Changing gears majorly now
Matt and I have been on Paleo since the middle of October 2012. I should have blogged during the whole process but I didn't and I don't know why.
So here we are. Matt has lost 54 lbs and I have lost 34lbs. We are loving our new lifestyle and obviously the results!
I plan on losing maybe 10 more lbs if I can but Matt is calling me an addict..."just one more" is what he says. It's not true at all- but being healthy is ADDICTING to me! He on the other hand, has a "fat heart." He loves the results but
[Back tracking a tad.] Matt and I gave up all fried food starting January 2012 for our New Year's Resolution. I believe this is what kick-started our lifestyle change completely.
Follow me- I am changing gears again. Gotta get y'all caught up somehow!
Matt started working at HTBC as the youth pastor in October and he is loving it. Our group has grown significantly from when we started and it's all glory to God. We love our students and have such a great time with them. He is balancing this and part time school at DBU currently. He will most likely be transferring next week but more on that later.
I am about to enroll at CMC Makeup School in Dallas to become a makeup artist. I am very excited and a tad nervous about it all. I have such a passion for it and really want to start doing major freelance work to start off. This certain class will teach me makeup for:
Special Effects
Stay tuned for more on that.
Since taking some time off with these babies- we have realized that we are ready to tackle our next house project. There is so much to do before it's family ready! I will give details on that when I know more.
Here are some photos from a mix of the last 6 months!
October 2012 on our honeymoon/anniversary trip to Disney |
After my tango performance in the Carnival Legends Show! |
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This is the Fab 4 at Monster Truck Jam! |
Nicholas and Joseph when they were first born! |
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