Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The rain

I adore the rain. I love the sound, smell, feel, and sight of rain. Love.
It is so peaceful and lovely. I love exotic umbrellas and bright fancy rain boots. The slight frizz of everyone's hair and the slightly smudged makeup on all the girl's faces. The sound of cars driving through a big puddle and the sight of puddles going every which way when people stomp through them. The squeaky sound of wet shoes and the squish of wet socks. The sound of the rain fleeing off the top of the umbrella as we do our best to shake them dry. The way the sky looks all gray and scary at times. The slight peek of sun doing it's best to shine through. Leaning your head back with your mouth open trying to catch raindrops on your tongue..if you dare.Wet hugs in the rain. 
Kissing, dancing, singing, stomping, running, skipping, praying, waving, laughing... is all made better with rain.

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about dancing in the rain."


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